Small Business Comedy

Laughter is more than great medicine, it’s the juice of life. As a small business owner, you can’t get enough of small business comedy, especially considering how you juggle one demanding project after another.

And if you’re in the process of replacing workers who’ve recently resigned or expanding your workforce, to support your growing customer base, you’ve certainly seen your share of mishaps. You’ve probably also heard some pretty remarkable job search, interviewing and past employment stories from the hundreds of people who’ve applied for job openings at your company.

You know the “to dos” of business are never ending. Somehow, you must find the time to step away. Your struggles with this alone are fodder for small business comedy.

Before and after you choose the right candidate for your current job opening, enjoy a few laughs, indulge in small business comedy. How about watching small business comedy films like:

  • Office Space (love this one!)
  • Anchorman
  • Trading Places
  • Nine to Five
  • Horrible Bosses

You might even start watching small business comedy television (or Internet) series like The Office. Stay committed. Keep pursuing your dreams! Laugh at your mistakes. Stay swift on your feet, lighthearted. The work you’re doing is going to pay off. Have fun along the way.

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